Friday, April 9, 2010

Good and Bad Things About This Week: In Photos

This was quite a horrendous week. While some things did go right, like my first experience with Yoga Negri (spelling?), other things just didn't go so well.

Since the weather was beautiful during the beginning of the week (good) my Writers in Print/Person Literature class decided to go outside to have our discussion about Gail Griffith's book Will's Choice. We reconvened for the second half of class in the amphitheater and had a very nice discussion. When class had ended, I turned around, noticing that my bag (filled with stuff) had toppled over. I picked everything up, and went on my merry way. The next day . . .

. . . I was preparing for my interview with Rachel Levitin, AU Alum and writer for, I could not find the pink pouch I keep my recorder in. To make a long story short, I believe it rolled out of my bag in the amphitheater and when I went back to check it was gone. Therefore I went to Best Buy and bought another recorder. I'm a slow writing journalist, I need a recorder. This was a chance for an upgrade to a digital recorder from the older version I had which used micro-tapes but no one wants to HAVE to buy a new recorder.

Awkward conversation day. 

Yoga class was refreshing today. I had my first experience with Yoga Negri (spelling?), a type of meditation that comes easily to beginners. My instructor said that she worked at Walter Reed Medical Center with some war vets who found this method of meditation very helpful. In the afternoon I made it over to Katzen just in time to see the Design show Tate worked so hard on before it was taken down. 

Friday made up for the entire week. For one, driving on Ward circle today I saw Artie, AKA Artemas Ward,  and American Revolutionary War general for whom the circle is named after. His statue looked a little different today . . . 

Ah, yes. Does anyone notice the bright pink bra hanging in Artie's hand? Classy.

Friday also allowed me to get together with the girls and bake brownies! Now that I am back on caffeine, now that lent is over, I can have all the brownies I want!

Wishing for a better week next week!

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